The Wee Face Foundation
The wee face foundation (TWFF) is a not for profit Community Interest Company based in Glasgow. Offering support to anyone receiving or recovering from cancer treatment.
About Us
The Wee Face Foundation are a small not for profit organisation based within North Glasgow.
We have been campaigning and fundraising in aid of the Beatson Cancer Charity since 2015. We aim to provide support and raise awareness of wellness along with the mental and physical wellbeing within our communities.
Our Mission
To create a platform whereby access to physical activity and communication is freely available to all. Allowing individuals to benefit from at least one hour a week to focus on themselves while creating a more positive mental and emotional mindset overall.
We are here to support people in our community through exercise, conversation and advice so why not #takesomespace 💛 with the Wee Face?

Activities, Free and Open To All

Walking Groups

Baking Workshops

Makeup Tutorials

And Much More
Meet the Team behind Wee Face

Founder and Chair
BA Honours in Sports Management with Strategic Events.
20 years experience in sport and physical activity.
Key Skills:
Top bants, can recite the full Dirty Dancing script word for word (soundtrack included) and is proper good at disguising a double chin whilst taking selfies.. basic all rounder is our Wee Maz

Director and Vice chair
BA Honours in Social Care (3rd year). Personal Trainer and owner at @JTGlasgow. Scotland International Glasgow City midfielder and Media Personality
Key Skills:
Patience of a saint, kinda tall, can fix just about anything, first rate in a debate, best quiff in the country and future Strictly winner.. from football to glitter ball #TWFF fingers crossed.. she’s #ourgirl

Director and Treasurer
Background: BA Honours in Hospitality Management and Grade 1 PDGE Chartered Teacher
Key Skills:
Beaut baker, avid reader, over 30 years experience knowing when to hold n when to fold, will pet your dog until you call the police.. she puts the “treasure” in our treasurer

Director and Secretary (General)
BACA Chartered Accountant and Globe Trotting Money Man (or possibly a James Bond type Spy) with over 25 years experience in Financial Wizardry
Key Skills:
BBQ king, munro bagger, experienced holder of coats, driver, dropper offer and parker… he’s our one and only go to guy, super rational and level headed... thanks for being Super Dougie

Latest News and Events

🎤 The Wee Podcast 🎤
The Wee Podcast will chat health, wellbeing, nutrition and much more with a whole host of like minded guests Episode 1 - featuring Laurie Bell @curativate is available for download now via our social media channels or by clinking this link below -...
🥾The Wee Walkers 🥾
Well done to everyone who joined the Wee Walk today.. an unexpected yet very welcomed break in the wet weather to walk and chat with lovely like minded people #takesomespacewiththeweeface
⏰ A Wee Hour ⏰
To yourself.. That is - - 60 minutes - 3600 seconds - 4.2% of your day - 0.6% of your week #TWFF strive to create a platform whereby access to physical activity and communication is freely available to all. Allowing individuals to benefit from at least one hour a week...


The WFF receives no government funding, depending solely on the generosity of others. The services we provide offers support to those affected by cancer and or ill health. This completely voluntary resource would be unable to remain without your kind donations. All contributions received enable our team of volunteers to continue supporting people of all ages and abilities where necessary.
Together, with your encouragement, we strive to engage and empower people within the local community and wish to provide a lasting legacy of unity and wellness.
Your contribution will help us continue to offer opportunities and or just rest-bite for anyone struggling, to #takesomespace
Thank you very, very much, from the bottom of our yellow hearts.
Team #TWFF